Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Packing More into Your Suitcase

Our days are identical suitcases--all the same size--but some people pack more into them than others.

Most people think of John Wesley as a powerful preacher, and indeed, he was. What many people do not know, however, is how prolific he was. He averaged three sermons a day for fifty-four years, preaching a total of more than 44,000 times in his life. In doing this, he traveled by horseback and carriage more than 200,000 miles--about 5,000 miles a year.

For even a very productive man, that would seem to be a full time effort. Still, John Wesley found time to write and edit. His published words include a four-volume commentary on the entire Bible, a five volume work on natural philosophy, a four-volume work on church history, and a dictionary of the English language. He also wrote histories of England and Rome, grammars on the Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French, and English languages, three works on medicine, six volumes of church music, seven volumes of sermons and controversial papers, and he edited a library of fifty volumes known as "The Christian Library."

He habitually rose at 4 a.m. and retired at 10 p.m. allowing only brief periods for meals. Yet he declared, "I have more hours of private retirement than any man in England."

Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Leaders.I want to encourage you to take time to work on your presentation.

Listen to some of the pod casts from Zig Ziglar. Tape your voice. Listen to how you are communicating. This will take time. Will it be worth it? YES!

Thank to Donna for this contribution!

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