Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are We Missing a Susan Boyle?

The inspiration for this came when I read my niece’s Blog called “Musings of a Malcontent.”

For the past week or so, the media has been making a big deal about the Scottish singer Susan Boyle. The story line talks about her less than appealing appearance but extols her amazing singing and personality. It’s almost as if it is inconceivable that amazing talent can exist in a “plain” package.

In scriptures we are warned not to make snap judgments about people based on their appearance: whether they look poor or prosperous, powerful or puny. The Lord looks upon the heart of a person rather than the outward appearance. We are encouraged to do likewise.

Are we missing any Susan Boyle’s when we make our contact lists and our approaches? Are we looking past any Susan Boyle’s when we make our presentations? It’s too bad really: too bad for the Susan Boyle we missed and too bad for us!

May our Creator and Savior give us eyes that are blind to the visible flaws while yet able to see the invisible beauty in everyone around us.

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