Thursday, April 16, 2009

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra

In a race, everyone runs but only one person gets first prize. So run your race to win. I Corinthians 9:24 TLBA family once moved into a new apartment and soon found themselves besieged by salesmen desiring to sign them up for everything from laundry service to life insurance.

One day, a dairyman came to the door offering his services. The woman of the house said, "No, my husband and I don't drink milk." "Be glad to deliver a quart every morning for cooking." the dairyman persisted. "That's more than I need," she replied, trying to close the door. "Well, Ma'am, how about some cream? Berries comin' in now, and..." She answered curtly. "No, we never use cream."

The dairyman walked away slowly and the woman congratulated herself on her sales resistance. The following morning, however, she answered a knock at the door only to find this same dairyman at the door, a bowl of ripe strawberries held carefully in one hand and a half pint of cream in the other. "Lady," he said, as he poured the cream over the berries and handed them to her, "I got to thinkin'. If you've never used cream on berries, you sure have missed a lot in life."

Needless to say, he delivered to her house every day thereafter!

When met with resistance, a leader will use creativity and kindness to overcome obstacles. Don't take "no" for an answer, just approach the issue from a different angle.

God is a creative God. He can give you that little "extra" every day!

A gift from Donna!

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