Thursday, April 30, 2009

Having Faith in Our Times

Wars, riots, evil men doing evil things, natural disasters, famine, pestilence, business closures, bankruptcies, and home foreclosures: Jesus, our Savior, tells us these will happen. They have happened before and will again. Jesus encourages: “Fear not!” and, “I am with you even to the end of the age.”

Some say all of these events are precursors to when Jesus, our Lord, returns to rule the earth. Before Jesus returns an evil man through deceit will rule the world and cause all to receive a mark in order to buy and sell anything. Many will be persecuted and martyred. Jesus says there will be a shout and the sound of a trumpet when He returns. We haven’t heard the trumpet, so these are not the end times.

Jesus, our Teacher, warns times will become so dark no one can work. But those times are not now.

So what do we do? We still have light, freedom and faith. We must take advantage of the light and freedom and put action to our faith! Others have prospered through adversity in the past, we can as well.

May our Creator and Savior grant us faith with peace in these troubling times!

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