Monday, May 11, 2009

Leaders Lead, Even without Followers

Though none go with me, still I will follow…

Are we holding back our businesses waiting for a follower? Do we say to ourselves:

  • “If only I had someone to work with me, then I would be a great success,” or,
  • "As soon as so-and-so gets going, my business will really get going.”?

A leader empowers others to achieve their goals through instruction, motivation and example. Anyone who is or has been a parent has demonstrated leadership.

Jesus Christ our Savior led by instruction, motivation (including the occasional stern warning), and example. He pointed in the right direction, explained why it was right, warned us of dire consequences for other directions, said “follow me,” and then proceeded to go the right way. When the rich young ruler wanted to follow on his own terms, Jesus was not swayed. He did not wait for the rich young ruler but kept on His course. Are we not thankful Jesus did not sway from His goals?

We say to ourselves, then: “Even if no one goes with me, I pursue my goals with all my skill and ability.”

May our Creator and Savior let our leadership be made know to all.

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