Friday, May 22, 2009

Shake the Apple Tree

The Lord has been speaking to my heart about shaking the apple tree. There will be some good ones, some bad ones, but you don’t know what they will be until you shake them down. There will be a sorting. Some will say, ‘Yes’ and some will say, ‘No’. Persist! Keep shaking [approaching people].

Matt. 6:34-Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Keep on keeping on-prospecting and calling and enrolling-then you get your business builders-one day at a time.

Thanks to Daryl for this encouragement!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wisdom in Today’s World

The Christian Reformed Church is founded on unchangeable biblical truths. So why are they called “reformed”? Their tenets require them to “reform” to be relevant to the times. Churches that “reform” are flourishing. Those that do not, that are set in their ways, find themselves losing members.

The basic parts of our business are solid and must not change. Something, though, is different. We find ourselves in different times than just a few years or even months ago. When we use the “proven” approaches and techniques we did last year, the results are different and we are not succeeding, not growing.

We need heavenly wisdom to find new approaches for our neighbors and the strangers around us. James in his Epistle encourages us to pray for wisdom in faith and not doubt. When given wisdom, we apply it without wavering, without doubt, or we will bounce from one technique to another like a wave in the wind never perfecting or proving anything.

The approach – “How has today’s economy impacted your life?” – may kick-start our businesses.

May our Creator and Savior grant us wisdom to see, understand, and use techniques that will reach those around us in these times!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Leaders Lead, Even without Followers

Though none go with me, still I will follow…

Are we holding back our businesses waiting for a follower? Do we say to ourselves:

  • “If only I had someone to work with me, then I would be a great success,” or,
  • "As soon as so-and-so gets going, my business will really get going.”?

A leader empowers others to achieve their goals through instruction, motivation and example. Anyone who is or has been a parent has demonstrated leadership.

Jesus Christ our Savior led by instruction, motivation (including the occasional stern warning), and example. He pointed in the right direction, explained why it was right, warned us of dire consequences for other directions, said “follow me,” and then proceeded to go the right way. When the rich young ruler wanted to follow on his own terms, Jesus was not swayed. He did not wait for the rich young ruler but kept on His course. Are we not thankful Jesus did not sway from His goals?

We say to ourselves, then: “Even if no one goes with me, I pursue my goals with all my skill and ability.”

May our Creator and Savior let our leadership be made know to all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Calendar the Major Milestones... of EVERY Goal

Ann recommends The Power of TQ website. (Also at They have great tools to keep us focused on building goals and acting to bring those goals to realities. Pat has recommended this site before. The website is copy write protected so I can't copy it here without permission.

Today they are recommending the Time Prism. A book to help keep our lives in balance while focused on what's truly important to us. They also have an on-line calendar with daily business training tools.

Ann provides this guidance: "In order to be allowed to download the May calendar (planner), you will have to register with the site. Once you do that, on the left hand menu, select The Download Center. Once you are at that page, go to Time Management Tools, and select the Day Planner 2009 05 May and then print it out. (If you want to review it first prior to printing, then download it and review it to see if it is a format you would like to use. I think you will be impressed with the daily training!)"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Love & Believe

Matt. 22:37-39 - Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Mark 9:2-3-Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

As I pondered these two scriptures, I thought of a tape where Ed Bestoso was training in Melaleuca. He said,
  1. “Why are you doing Melaleuca? You need to dream and get people dreaming too!
  2. Have Heart: You must love people. He said, “ You will only get to a certain level like Senior Director if you don’t love, communicate with, and genuinely care about people (wrong motives with using people to get where you want to be).
  3. Believe: Believe in other people and yourself and encourage others to keep moving on.
Thanks to Daryl for this Posting!